Wednesday, July 6, 2011

I'm back

So it seems I've taken a vacation from blogging. I knew I wouldn't be good at keeping up with this thing. But hopefully I can now. Consider this as a mid-year resolution. Since the last post was at christmas time, I should probably fill you in on recent happenings since then. Don't worry, more to come.

My sister Michaelene and her boyfriend Sam came to visit in January.

Grant and I finally went snowshoeing

The boys came up to visit and we went skiing at Mission Ridge.

We had our fair share of sledding this past winter.

Grant made me a delicious chocolate birthday cake!

Grant was patient teaching me how to ski.

Sister and brother -in laws, Jenelle and Derek came to visit in March.

The lovely Kari Walton and Amy Cano came and we spent a day/night having fun in Seattle before adventuring back to Brewster.

Went golfing on Easter.

Had fun parasailing in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico on a small family vacation.

Visited the newest member of the family, baby Marcus Jackson! Born May 5, 2011


Grant bought a jet plane.


  1. So... will the next post be centering on the fate of said jet plane? ;)


  2. By the way: welcome back to blogging! I've missed your updates :) (and I miss you guys in general). Looks like you're finally getting some summer temps up there. It's been pretty wretched here, but lake days and swimming pools and sprinklers and fresh fruit and popsicles make it semi-bearable.
