Thursday, July 21, 2011

hello cow


Our neighbors consist of apple trees and cattle. Lately, I have become pretty attached to the cows. Yes I will admit, I am fond of them. Days when I am home by myself (which is pretty often) the cows are my company. When they move to a pasture a field or two over, I miss them. I realize this is probably the most pathetic post I will ever write, but I couldn't think of anything else to write. Life in Brewster is easy living. Days consist of work, eat, and sleep. Occasionally I need to run to the market or post office. With Grant working the night shifts, our days have been off. He sleeps 'til noon, eats breakfast/lunch and gets ready to go back to work at 3pm. As for me, I work at Karma Vineyards with during the day or night. Sometimes I try to wait up for Grant by watching several episodes of NCIS. (Thank you Jenelle for supplying me with weeks worth of episodes) And lets all remember, I live in Brewster.

meet 435. my neighbor.

1 comment:

  1. Awww :) I like your neighbors. And I like reading your updates :)
