Saturday, December 11, 2010

We Moved!

Yes, we finally made it over to our house. The house is still a diseaster and I have ALOT of organizing and decorating. I think the task of decorating an entire house myself is a little daunting. It's okay, just one step at a time. First thing...get out of living in our suitcases.


  1. You two are adorable and I cannot wait until you're in Chicago! I have much to discuss with you about the wedding!
    Oh yes- and today at swim lessons I met a little 4 year old girl named Angelina. I told her that my soon to be sister is named Angelina, and she asked when my mom was having the baby. 4 year olds don't grasp the concept of engagements or sister-in-laws!

  2. Nice! Looks like you have lots of light coming in! Looks like a cozy place you'll be able to create there!
    Love you guys!!!

  3. Awesome! It looks like you've got quite a bit of space!! I love all the windows! Can't wait to see you guys in less than a week!!!
